Open Data Panels

USEEIO Javascript (useeio.js)

Updates to useeio.js report samples

Reports at different stages of development are in the links to the right.
Contributors: Sunny

You can also view the frontend React widgets at
The IO charts use the dist/useeio.min.js file generated by running the useeio.js build

We also have a python pre-processed report at Python Commodities Report.

TO DO: Some of the samples to the right currently only send json to the console.log. Update to also display in the page. See how to wait for DOM. (For now, use your browser's inspector to view.) - Sunny

TO DO: Update pages to watch for hash value changes using hashChangedUseeio(). Example of changing #state= in calculation.html#state=NY

TO DO: Finish using the function formatCell() in config.js to make numbers simple (42.2 Billion, etc.). See how we sort on the Commodities Tabulator. The config.js file is included in all the pages above.

TO DO: Create a toggle to move between the simple number display, full numbers and scietific notation.
Place in the upper right in the Commodities Tabulator.

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