Giving specific nutrition label values and hiding some of the parts of the nutrition label
$('#test1').nutritionLabel({ useBaseValueFor2018LabelAndNotDVPercentage : true, showServingUnitQuantity : false, itemName : 'Bleu Cheese Dressing', ingredientList : 'Bleu Cheese Dressing', decimalPlacesForQuantityTextbox : 2, valueServingUnitQuantity : 1, allowFDARounding : true, decimalPlacesForNutrition : 2, showPolyFat : false, showMonoFat : false, valueCalories : 450, valueFatCalories : 430, valueTotalFat : 48, valueSatFat : 6, valueTransFat : 0, valueCholesterol : 30, valueSodium : 780, valueTotalCarb : 3, valueFibers : 0, valueSugars : 3, valueProteins : 3, valueVitaminD : 12.22, valuePotassium_2018 : 4.22, valueCalcium : 7.22, valueIron : 11.22, valueAddedSugars : 17, valueCaffeine : 15.63, showLegacyVersion : false });
Similar to example #1 but with different plugin options. Things to note are the use of 'not applicable' and text value instead of numerical value on sugar
$('#test2').nutritionLabel({ useBaseValueFor2018LabelAndNotDVPercentage : true, showServingUnitQuantity : false, showAmountPerServing : false, showIngredients : false, itemName : 'Olive Tapenade', naFatCalories : true, naPolyFat : true, naMonoFat : true, naVitaminD : true, naPotassium : true, naCalcium : true, naIron : true, valueCalories : 800, valueTotalFat : 66, valueSatFat : 7, valueTransFat : 0, valueCholesterol : 0, valueSodium : 1560, valueTotalCarb : 46, valueFibers : 2, valueSugars : '<1g', valueProteins : 7, valueVitaminD : 12.22, valuePotassium_2018 : 4.22, valueCalcium : 7.22, valueIron : 11.22, valueAddedSugars : 17, valueCaffeine : 15.63, showLegacyVersion : false });
all values are not applicable
$('#test3').nutritionLabel({ useBaseValueFor2018LabelAndNotDVPercentage : true, naCalories : true, naFatCalories : true, naTotalFat : true, naSatFat : true, naTransFat : true, naPolyFat : true, naMonoFat : true, naCholesterol : true, naSodium : true, naTotalCarb : true, naFibers : true, naSugars : true, naProteins : true, naVitaminD : true, naPotassium : true, naCalcium : true, naIron : true, naAddedSugars : true, naPotassium_2018 : true, naCaffeine : true, showLegacyVersion : false });
Similar to example #1 but with a few different settings - different calorie intake, decimal places for nutrition changed from 1 to 2, decimal places for the "% daily values" is changed from 0 to 2, showing the home page link at the bottom and customizing it
$('#test4').nutritionLabel({ useBaseValueFor2018LabelAndNotDVPercentage : true, calorieIntake : 1222, showServingUnitQuantity : false, showIngredients : false, itemName : 'Bleu Cheese Dressing', decimalPlacesForNutrition : 2, decimalPlacesForDailyValues : 2, showBottomLink : true, urlBottomLink : '', nameBottomLink : 'Google Name but the URL is facebook\'s', showPolyFat : false, showMonoFat : false, valueCalories : 450.10, valueFatCalories : 430.23, valueTotalFat : 48, valueSatFat : 6.12, valueTransFat : 0.00, valueCholesterol : 30.90, valueSodium : 780, valueTotalCarb : 3, valueFibers : 0, valueSugars : 3, valueProteins : 3, valueVitaminD : 12.22, valuePotassium_2018 : 4.22, valueCalcium : 7.22, valueIron : 11.22, valueAddedSugars : 17, valueCaffeine : 15.63, showLegacyVersion : false });
Similar to example #1 but the "recommended daily intake values" are halved
$('#test5').nutritionLabel({ useBaseValueFor2018LabelAndNotDVPercentage : true, showServingUnitQuantity : false, showIngredients : false, itemName : 'Bleu Cheese Dressing', dailyValueTotalFat : 32, dailyValueSatFat : 10, dailyValueCholesterol : 150, dailyValueSodium : 1200, dailyValueCarb : 150, dailyValueFiber : 12, showPolyFat : false, showMonoFat : false, valueCalories : 450, valueFatCalories : 430, valueTotalFat : 48, valueSatFat : 6, valueTransFat : 0, valueCholesterol : 30, valueSodium : 780, valueTotalCarb : 3, valueFibers : 0, valueSugars : 3, valueProteins : 3, valueVitaminD : 12.22, valuePotassium_2018 : 4.22, valueCalcium : 7.22, valueIron : 11.22, valueAddedSugars : 17, valueCaffeine : 15.63, showLegacyVersion : false });
Similar to Example #1 but the Percent Daily Values are Hidden
$('#test6').nutritionLabel({ useBaseValueFor2018LabelAndNotDVPercentage : true, hidePercentDailyValues : true, showServingUnitQuantity : false, itemName : 'Bleu Cheese Dressing', ingredientList : 'Bleu Cheese Dressing', decimalPlacesForQuantityTextbox : 2, valueServingUnitQuantity : 1, allowFDARounding : true, decimalPlacesForNutrition : 2, showPolyFat : false, showMonoFat : false, valueCalories : 450, valueFatCalories : 430, valueTotalFat : 48, valueSatFat : 6, valueTransFat : 0, valueCholesterol : 30, valueSodium : 780, valueTotalCarb : 3, valueFibers : 0, valueSugars : 3, valueProteins : 3, valueVitaminD : 12.22, valuePotassium_2018 : 4.22, valueCalcium : 7.22, valueIron : 11.22, valueAddedSugars : 17, valueCaffeine : 15.63, showLegacyVersion : false });
Similar to Example #1 but only specific Percent Daily Values are Hidden
$('#test7').nutritionLabel({ useBaseValueFor2018LabelAndNotDVPercentage : true, showDailyTotalFat : false, showDailySodium : false, showDailyFibers : false, showDailyAddedSugars : false, showDailyCalcium : false, showDailyIron : false, showServingUnitQuantity : false, itemName : 'Bleu Cheese Dressing', ingredientList : 'Bleu Cheese Dressing', decimalPlacesForQuantityTextbox : 2, valueServingUnitQuantity : 1, allowFDARounding : true, decimalPlacesForNutrition : 2, showPolyFat : false, showMonoFat : false, valueCalories : 450, valueFatCalories : 430, valueTotalFat : 48, valueSatFat : 6, valueTransFat : 0, valueCholesterol : 30, valueSodium : 780, valueTotalCarb : 3, valueFibers : 0, valueSugars : 3, valueProteins : 3, valueVitaminD : 12.22, valuePotassium_2018 : 4.22, valueCalcium : 7.22, valueIron : 11.22, valueAddedSugars : 17, valueCaffeine : 15.63, showLegacyVersion : false });